Upcoming Events & Important Announcements
Stewart Park Closed
Please be advised Stewart Park will be closed until further notice due to weather and field conditions.
Thank you.
Smoke and CO Detectors Available
The members of the Harrisonville Fire Company have smoke and CO detectors available.
If you need help with a smoke or CO detector, please call the fire company at 856-769-1611.
A reminder that household fire evacuation plans save lives. Call 911 immediately, get out and go to your predetermined meeting place.
Shredding Event
The March 2025 Free Shredding Event will take place in the parking lot of the Municipal Building located at 664 Harrisonville Road, Mullica Hill, NJ on Saturday, March 8th from 9:00am - 12:00pm.
Please see the attached flyer for further details.
Free Rabies Clinic 2025
South Harrison Township
Public Works Garage
Residents on County Roads
If you live on a County Road and have a problem with the roadway - such as a sink hole, grass needing to be mowed, etc.
The place to call to report your concern is the Gloucester County Highway Dept at 856-307-6400.
South Harrison Residents Landfill Coupons
Landfill Coupons are now available for South Harrison Township Residents.
Call (856) 769-3737 x119 to request a mailing or stop at the Municipal Building and pick them up.
‘No Knock’ Registry
South Harrison Residents now have the ability to opt out of door-to-door solicitations. Simply email cbrennen@southharrison-nj.org or smccafferty@southharrison-nj.org or you can call (856) 769-3737 x 3 to obtain additional information.