Public Works
The South Harrison Township Public Works Department is responsible for performing a multitude of tasks for the South Harrison Township Community. These tasks include but are not limited to:
Road Maintenance
Filling pot holes on Township Roads
Salting and Plowing Township Roads
Tree & Grass Maintenance
Storm Water Management
Vehicle Repair & Maintenance
Performing repairs & Maintenance to Township Vehicles
Park & Facility Maintenance
Mowing & Landscaping
Brush & Metal Collection
Trash Collection
Trash and Recycling are collected every Wednesday.
Cans shall be placed at least 4 feet apart and facing forward.
They must be clear of all stationary objects (trees, mailboxes, etc.).
The lid must be closed.
ALL Trash/Recyclables must be INSIDE the cart. Nothing outside the cart will be collected.
*Metal and Appliances are collected on the third Wednesday of the month, every month.
Trash will be collected exclusively from carts marked with the South Harrison Township Seal. Unmarked carts will not be collected.
Residents may obtain one (1) additional trash or recycling cart per household.
There is an annual fee of $100.00 to have an additional cart.
Please see the Extra Trash Container Agreement below for more information.
The signed agreement and payment in the amount of $100.00 (cash or check only) must be submitted to the Municipal Clerk’s Office.
To be added to the list for Bulk Trash Collection and White Goods/Metal Collection, please call: (856) 769-3737 x7807
Bulk Trash is collected on the second Tuesday of the month, every month.
Metal and Appliances are collected on the third Wednesday of the month, every month.
For more information regarding trash collection, please see the links below:
2025 Residential Brush Collection
Brush collection will be on the third week of every month starting in April and through October, conditions permitting.
Please call the Clerk's Office (856) 769-3737 x7802 no later than noon the Thursday prior to the pickup week to be placed on the list. Addresses not on the list will not be picked up.
(Township offices are closed on Fridays)
NO vegetative waste, vines, briars or bushes.
Size of (1) brush pile may not be more than 4' high x 10' wide.
Limbs shall not be more than 4" in diameter or more than 5' long.
Only one brush pile should be placed curbside to enable Public Works employees the ability to work quickly and safely.
Pothole & Road Hazard Reporting
To Report a Pothole on a South Harrison Township Road, please click the following link:
To report an issue on a county road, please call Gloucester County at (856) 307-6400
To Report an issue on a state road, please call 800-768-4653
To report a dead animal on a Township or county road, please call Gloucester County Highway Department at (856) 307-6400
To report a dead animal on a state road please call 609-588-6213
To report a street light outage, downed wire, or tree limb on a power wire, please call Atlantic City Electric at 1-800-833-7476
Keeping Our Roads Clean & Safe
The Township would like to remind the residents to keep the streets and roads clean in our community. Walking, jogging and biking are healthy activities that become unsafe and unpleasant when our roads are littered with trash and debris.
To report unsafe road conditions, contact the Public Works Department - 769-3737 x7807 and to report illegal dumping, contact the Police Department.
Tire Amnesty
The Gloucester County Improvement Authority has designate the month of March as Tire Amnesty month. The amnesty is limited to residential properties, businesses are not included. All residents are able to dispose a maximum of 25 tires.
Stormwater Management
Water from rain and melting snow that flows over lawns, parking lots and streets is known as stormwater runoff.
This water, which travels along gutters, into catch basins, through storm drain pipes, ditches, and then flows or is discharged into local waterbodies. Along the way, the stormwater picks up trash (fast-food wrappers, cigarette butts, styrofoam cups, etc.), toxins and other pollutants (gas, motor oil, antifreeze, fertilizers, pesticides and pet droppings). This polluted stormwater can kill fish, wildlife, and wildlife habitat, contaminate drinking water sources and force the closing of beaches and parks./p>
Human activity is largely responsible for the stormwater pollution. Everything that we put on the ground or into the storm drain can end up in our water. Each of us has a responsibility to make sure these contaminants stay out of our water. Whether we have clean water is up to you.
Codes & Ordinances:
In accordance with our NJOEP Tier A Municipal Stormwater General Permit, the Township has adopted various Ordinances to regulate the impact of stormwater runoff and pollutants to the environment.
Links for Stormwater Education:
NJDEP - Clean Water NJ
NJDEP New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
NJDEP-SEEDS-Clean Water NJ-Educational Resources