South Harrison Township Veterans Association
Edmund J. Crispin ---------------- President
Charles Tyson --------------- Vice President
Joseph Wille ---------------- Secretary
Chester Randall ---------------- Treasurer
Quentin Lange ---------------- Member
Patrick Handley ---------------- Member
The South Harrison Township Committee and Veterans Association want to honor each of our Township veterans for their contribution to the freedoms we enjoy, by displaying their names publicly in our Township.
The Veterans Association is working on an "Honor Wall" for all South Harrison Township Veterans. A veteran is anyone that has or is currently living in South Harrison Township and served in the military service of the United States (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, or Merchant Marines). It is not required that they served during a conflict or war.
The "Honor Wall" is located in the South Harrison Township Municipal Building, on the north wall of the Township Committee's meeting room. We already have three wall cases mounted on the wall to receive the veteran's names. The wall cases will have L. E. D. lights with a manual dimmer. We expect to have this project completed this spring.
We currently have over 200 names of veterans going as far back as the Civil War in 1861. Knowing we do not have all the veterans names your help is needed to make this list of names as complete as possible. The list of veterans names, that we have is available in the foyer of the Municipal Building.
There is also an application for additional names in the foyer. Take a list of the veterans names with you and review it, if you can come up with any names we have missed fill in an application the best you can, and turn it in to any of the Veterans Association members or put it in the box on the wall by the Township Clerk's Office.
This project is not financed from tax money. It is financed from donations only.
The same as the Veteran's Monument in front of the Municipal Building.
Thanks for your help,
Ed Crispin
President of the Veterans Association